Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Worldwide Telecommunications
Published Feb 18, 2018+ Follow
"The latest mania going on behind the scenes regarding the Internet is the so called Acts now being sought by Congress to protect the Internet or sometimes the terminology of stabilizing the Internet is used . Besides naming certain countries in the search for those who might be a threat to the cyberspace of the U.S. , I know for certain that a part of their strategy is to continue to omit the Internet Inventor from any credit or recognition . This explains why in addition to the other unlawful attacks directed towards me including defamation of my name and reputation as well as the illegal confiscation of my home they are defaming my websites and small business as well .
Under the auspices of the government and the so-called private and public agencies like Icann– especially web hosts and registrars with help from search engines my websites and also were taken over or hijacked with their dns now placed all over the place on a bunch of nefarious sites . They presently are offline - needed to be rebuilt . They first defamed me in an effort to discredit then extended their defamation and smearing to my websites which only exercise my right to FREE SPEECH . Each and everyone of these crimes that I have been enduring especially for the last two years or more since I have been reporting the incidents to the Department of Justice have increased and have never stopped although I was promised “ investigations “ . It makes one wonder about the source of the investigations .
Thus far the only sign of any activity that I see as the abuses continue is some anonymous entity that has made its presence known on my computer thus far removing my personal documents and passwords from my computer . While I am lied about and my websites censured online to prevent my advancement online the true criminals continue their abuses . Of course I would not have shared my IP had I known how it would be handled .
However I am going to continue to speak up as clearly rather than pay me they would rather continue to rob me than deal with me justly . To hear others say that " I should not fight for something that was not meant for me " , is just absolutely crazy. The ideas , thoughts , and proposals came from me so how is it that it was not meant for me . What is not meant is that some people see themselves as superior over others and abuse the power of their office in violation of the rule of law to oppress others simply because they can .
With all due respect I do not worship Barack Obama any more than I do Donald Trump . I think that history will show that Obama after feigning how much he hated “Citizens United’ the act that gave corporations ‘people status’ turned around and handed the country’s treasury over to the banks . The Banks have been in charge ever since , getting richer and richer while the population especially the middle class has basically disappeared and the economy is still suffering no matter how much the stock market rises. He did the same thing with my Intellectual Property as a Small Entity to the Internet handing it over to tech –through fraud and misrepresentation while rogue judges prevented me from representation by a lawyer which is supposed to be every citizen’s right. These wranglings went on while the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the National Science Foundation stole the Internet . Since what I allege is the theft I have been kept discredited , defamed , charged with being ‘crazy’ , and subjected to crooked court trials that have taken practically everything I own – even so the Internet has not fared that well up under those who did steal it considering that its theft was signed off on by the top levels of government .
The Internet under a black supposedly crazy woman ? What would happen to white superiority , male domination , and exceptionalism ? Even though the black woman's ideas are what made the Internet what it is and is responsible for its successful presence in the world today as the previous Internet founded by the prior tech community was not adapted for Commerce. As a matter of fact Commerce had been “forbidden” and in their concept of telecommunications( The pioneers of the original internet started in 1969) the Internet based on the Arpanet had failed by 1989) .
But was that the end of their mistakes ? Uh , uh , NO. By denying the patent to Hartman they also cut off any licensing for the Internet as licensing for any invention can only be granted once and that is to the Inventor . So what they basically did was cut off any real opportunity to stabilize the Internet . To add insult to injury they gave the resource away free – free broadband here , free broadband there , free broadband anywhere.. with Hartman being the only recipient of the "FREE" while everyone else associated with the Internet gets paid . The same discrimination and effort to censure and oppress being extended to her online business startups . People who would not even be on the Internet without the changes made by Hartman's contributions participating in the censure and discrimination .
Now that many countries have the technology and are actually gaining in prowess, skills , and competition – now the powers that be are running and scrambling about like dingbats trying to protect the Internet which indeed will be very hard to do because of the way they mishandled it from the beginning . Their internet problems are self imposed . It’s birthplace was here and I , Dorothy Hartman am its creator . I freely admit that the government paid for it and Merit Networks along with a few partners chosen by the National Science Foundation built it . I did not accomplish all by myself and neither did they . They had 30 years before to do it right , but did not until they read my proposals. They should have worked with me and not discriminated against me .Licensing and ownership by the United States could have and should have resulted in an altogether different and more successful outcome .
Now let me tell you what I envisioned and why they made their biggest error by shutting me out . The following are ways in which the Internet which is a resource that at one time rivaled oil and gas because at one time they were the greatest drivers of the economy – now telecommunications is by far and will be for years to come if handled wisely , especially as green energy flourishes :
The patent license protects both foreign and domestic and I am the only one with both licenses :
a) The Internet could and should have been sold to other nations – not given away free . Granted some nations already have telecommunications but the more sophisticated Internet could have been sold and /or leased forever bringing revenues into the country which would fill the country’s treasury . No longer breaking the backs of the middle class and working poor while others hoard their profits and gobble up real estate on the Internet. Exporting for sale or leasing a resource is a sound way to enrich a country . Therefore no budget deficits . No debt . No debt ceiling . Real jobs and for the first time in a long time solid wages , the country back in No.1 position . There are still emerging and developing nations for future exports.
b) A national governing body consisting of Americans but also inviting foreign representatives from other countries to participate in order to maintain balance , fairness and competition would provide oversight .This national governing body would develop rules and regulations for use , maintenance , and protection .
c) The present status of the Internet would remain the same . Each business , agency , organization , and individual status would remain in its 'as is' status unless changed by them . Except that ICANN would be in 2nd governance position after the National Governing Body mentioned above – as ICANN’s experience as the international body that has governed until licensing is accomplished by a patent would be a necessary dimension and useful to maintain continuity .
d) While the public portion of the Internet will remain available for ordinary consumers , businesses , and other users - there should be a part of the Internet set aside for strictly governmental and or military functions or use .
e) There should be a part of the Internet set aside for corporate structure for the Inventor which is only fair as Inventors should have the right to profit from their own inventions as historically that has always been the case . Unfortunately because of the potential of this invention and the race , sex , and health of the inventor – Politics for the first time was used ahead of civil and constitutional law .
f) Under the corporate structure I can offer public shares so that the population can have the opportunity to participate in the profits . The country will grow with money coming into the treasury instead of going out or just having a few people the very rich controlling the internet and the banks . Thus far it has not produced a good outcome and for those of you who use your head for ‘more than a hat rack" as Momma used to say- I think that you can see the wisdom in that as well . No more balancing the budget on the backs of the poor , disabled , old , or young .
g) Essentially the Internet has no home now so how can they, the U.S. accuse some other country of stealing it ? They rushed in giving away a valuable resource free so that those who were lucky enough to get in on the release of the technology to the public would have more people to sell their wares to exploding their wealth .Rather than letting R-A-C-E make a fool out of those making decisions about the Internet like government entities and ICANN and I certainly do not want them continuing to hurt me – I think if the mania calms down – they will see the wisdom of what I am saying . I would not be the first handicapped person to serve my nation. I have worked most of my life and I am sure had I been given the funding opportunity that I had requested so that I could have hired personnel to help me and purchased the necessary equipment I would have succeeded in what I wanted to do which was put my child safety products in the market as well as other projects rather than spend my life being persecuted by bigotry when I was already ill .
I had other inventions which they have also exploited . Perhaps I will finish a novel to try to relieve some of the deep resentment and anger that I feel so that people truly understand why the country is going backwards and corruption and criminality abound . Why apparent success may continue for the users - it will elude the majority population . Eventually even sharks will self destruct if there is no smaller prey to gobble up . Inflation is already heating up . The Internet was intended for the good of the nation not oligarchy . I am the goose that laid the golden egg while they continue to plunder and exploit . But at least they had sense enough to copy me . Let's see if they have sense enough to take things to the next level and place the Internet in position to be both protected and defended legally .
h) In spite of the bad administration for the past 20-30 years I love my country and I know that what I propose is sound . I remember when the country was much better than this and I think that it can be again a place where people like to visit and people from across the globe are welcome. I made a poor choice obviously in placing my trust in them . Nor did it help that the first black president came in trying to prove something to everyone except his own people- in my opinion . I made mistakes but I believe their choices and decisions have been worse . I do not mean Apple , Google , Microsoft , Ecommerce or Social Media . They get rich on their own and of course because of the changes that I contributed . If you sold $500 phones and $1500 computers to billions of people online ( and that part comes from me ) , you could be a millionaire or billionaire too . You could then buy all the expensive talent you want ( mostly highly performing immigrants ) to build your brand .
However , the rest of the Internet may be in trouble and maybe under threat because it is not secured . With the FCC , ICANN, and the U.S. Congress which knows absolutely nothing about telecommunications running about in a manic mess trying to come up with all kinds of laws to stabilize something that cannot be stabilized without some degree of conformity because they have placed it out all over the place just to make relatively few people compared to the number of people in the populace richer. Those errors are coming from them . They may yet come to understand why the ideas were given to me and not to them .
Think about it . Does it make sense that an inventor may know her own product or invention better than someone else ? After all there is still Congress , should anything should go awry or is not working well after patenting . They can always get back to the business of passing laws or coming up with new acts.
The dim- witted Dems never seem to get it . They need to stand behind an Independent like Bernie Sanders or some other grass roots candidate who understands that what the true way back is for the country is away from big money , the swamp and corruption ." - Dorothy M. Hartman , Inventor .
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