Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Arpanet did [ hardware to hardware so to speak] but software to software and mounds of infinite CYBERSPACE which is why Hartman's ideas were and are superior and were stolen to replace the failed Arpanet.
See Claims on page 3 , In case #2013-1070 denied Patent
SEE CLAIMS BEGINNING ON PAGE 3 See figures at application . These claims were denied as INDEFINITE but there was FRAUD in the court case #2013-1070 and in the United States Patent and Trademark Office . Patent prevented from Inventor and left Government owner and in control . CLAIMS WERE REWRITTEN BUT COURTS HAVE CONTINUED TO USE UNEDITED CLAIMS FOR THE WRONG OPINION AND IGNORE REWRITTEN CLAIMS CORRECTED FOR INDEFINITENESS. Rewritten or edited claims that were submitted by Hartman in the wrong opinion by federal circuit ct of Appeals were ignored . See Home page.
The Accessing Accessibility Process enabled users to interact with the internet creating a true online experience and versatility in transactions unlike anything that the Darpa had done with its initial Internet , Internet 1 or the Arpanet
MERIT NETWORKS COMMISSIONED BY NSF VIA ANS CREATED PORTALS BETWEEN THE 3 LEVELS : HARDWARE ; SOFTWARE; AND CYBERSPACE TO SET UP CODING . From government internet history showing the development of Internet 2 and its evolution in the growth of telecommunications . Only problem is they left the inventor of Internet 2 out of the history , robbing her of intellectual property and her legacy .Arpanet shown , the Government's true INTERNET, The rest is lies , fraud , and manipulation of internet content by the media , Big Tech, and the SWAMP that still pulls in trillions of dollars for itself and its investors .
First , the monsters steal my homes and intellectual property through FRAUD for over 30 years . Their actions upheld by slander and defaming me while far right wing Judges granted crooked trials without Due Process . At the same time crooked judges and officials in Pennsylvania were publishing fraudulent negative records on Hartman while at the same time fraudulent medical records so that the Federal Government could come in with PA judges barring Hartman from lawyers once she had won the case Dorothy M. Hartman vs. Dennis Milstein and the Greenwhich Walk Homeowners Assoc. et al following its fraudulent sale to her of a damaged condominium using so called COLOR OF LAW to set up lies and defamation . Her personal property stolen through slander , defamation , and lies.She was forced out of her condo and purchased a 2nd home that was also stolen from her through FRAUD. She alleges from 1990 when she filed Intellectual Property with the Federal Government and 1994 when she purchased a condominium on South Street in Philadelphia that she became a victim of outstanding FRAUD, THEFT and other abuses up to and includiing NOW . She alleges that both Judges and the Congress not allowing her justice are burying her case and rights in the so called Classified Documents now being buried by Biden's DOJ Merrick Garland and Special Counsel Robert Hur with some parts being revealed and others redacted out . As the Internet designed by her produces trillions of dollars of revenue for the stock market .Hartman alleges the crookedness that went on here in Pennsylvania with Univ. of PA. being a Hub as Hartman had completed a Master of Science Degree there and the federal government has created master fraud through the Patent Office and other foreign patent offfices. GOOD LAWYERS NEEDED NOW !
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