Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
From Google Search :'The Godfather of AI' Quits Google and Warns of Danger Ahead
Dr. Hinton said he has quit his job at Google,
where he has worked for more than a decade
and became one of the most respected voices
in the field, so he can freely speak out about the
risks of A.I. A part of him, he said, now regrets
his life's work. May 4, 2023
I thought that Congress and/or the National Science Foundation was supposed to do research on whether or not this is a good method to pursue . Or what are the goals now for what appears to be an increasingly pervasive content of make believe or misinformation on the internet . Another miscalculation by the National Science Foundation perhaps or testing and research that does not go far enough before it is released on an unsuspecting and altogether too trusting public . More misinformation on the Internet . The only real data that they have will be yours . I want regulation and law and payment for damages to me and for my intellectual property .
.When the very people who developed this technology poses it as Risky and suggest that more should be done to determine what may be outcomes that may neither be welcomed or successfully managed – why then do we have so many of these telecom , ecommerce , and financial organizations rushing to put more untried or unsuccessful ventures on the market ?
Are we looking for more vaccines in search of diseases; ie covid and a rash of others appearing or reappearing to build pharmaceutical cash cows ? Was telecom and ecommerce over abused by setting up a stock market , the Nasdaq to be used in global access by a global application of the Internet across the world to oligarchs around the world and insider trading to produce a concentration of wealth at the top while bankrupting the middle class and the rest of the country ? Another National Science Foundation fiasco alleges the inventor that has created inflation and a stagnant economy ? Now trying to fix it with more hardwired erratic untried research and behavior that for the most part does not work. Except that AI could become so much worse . At least some of the problems that are present now maybe fixable in time with some good solutions including ways to deal with climate change disasters . But what of AI or man-machine problems that could become overwhelming and unfixable ? What do you do then ? Are ordinary consumers and the population listening . Should you write to your representatives about the increasing use of AI by big tech and others even though this is technology that has not been well thought out , tested , or even regulated .
Perhaps this time , the new process should be researched and tested first . But the Big Tech and Ecommerce companies are already employing it under the guise of beneficial to the nation(s) , but is it trulout....y ? Something to think about...
Hartman submitted 2 Writs of Mandamus to Scotus asking the Court to review the Case decided in 2013 by the United States Court of Appeals which is a classic case of the government violating its own Conflict of Interest laws - both Writs denied for review by the Supreme Court . Why would the nation's highest court not review a case that involves the nations highest utility ( as declared by Obama) as the Obama - Gore administration completed the illegal theft of Ms. Hartman's intellectual property as the Global Internet with both the Bush and Trump administrations in agreement as both Republicans and Democrats are profiting from the revenue it provides. Hartman alleges APARTHIED as she is African-American.
Why were all these people , Congress , Executive Branch , and Courts discussing whether I should receive a patent in the 1990's when at the time especially Justices did not know and email from a hole in the ground . But under Aparthied they could publish or project my supposed inferiority by spouting racist propaganda which all continue to do while using my intellectual property all over the world to do it as well as selling off my homes also through fraud to other races , transferring wealth to themselves and whom they wanted to have it .
Case #'s in Federal Claims Court : Case no. 20-0832 ; Case no. 21-2214 ; Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ( Court that Hartman alleges is the most offensive court case #2013-1070 , fraudulent and recent case challenging what Hartman alleges is additionally fraudulent Case No. 22-1955
Court Case in 2013 hidden by government wrongly decided
Unedited claims #26-60 shown below and beginning on page 3 in the PDF below were used by the Appeals Ct. for the Federal Circuit to deny Patent to Hartman so that federal government could illegally take the new Internet. Hartman's rewritten claims that she was forced to rewrite as her patent application was filed in 2004 after government had stolen trade secrets in 1990- the proper claims were ignored.Click here.
THEY CONTINUE TO steal both internet and climate change ip
Even as the Supreme Court continues to censure my case by denying review of this blatant violation of my rights .
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