Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
One may be a website for curtains , another for shoes , and another for bracelets /. The blue arrows represent the stream of computer data as it is a radiant form of energy that moves in bits and bytes away from the user . The green arrows are bits of data or information coming back to the user .Later I will show you how they copied. You can see bits and bytes of data streaming from your router in a dimly lit room.
This is an image that is put together from the NSF sketches after transformation of my ideas about 1990-1993. Service broker/ Industry carrying out searches for information , goods , and services working through Internet Service Providers. The user/ position is at the left. Goes through a service provider purchase the soap. Same process
These ideas were filed with her patent application in 2004 even though the government had already taken advantage of her proposals listed above and through basically 3 Small Business Innovation Research Program as she had been instructed to do. THEY COPIED MY IDEAS AND GAVE THEM TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS AND COMPUTER MAKERS TO BUILD THE INDUSTRY BUT LEFT MY CONTRIBUTIONS REGARDING THE PROCESS OUT.
I enrolled AT UPENN and completed the course in 1968. My degree listed below and since I began inventing starting in 1974 but more so after my disability retirement .I became a victim of property theft after they found that my version of the Internet was not only practical and workable but capable of producing high revenue and being distributed nationally and internationally and even globally but the government starting with Clinton-Gore wanted to control it as I introduced the concept of using CYBERSPACE for transactions and other concepts that make the Process successful. The NSF through the use of ANS working with IBM , MCIMAIL, and Merit Networks did the first programming of cyberspace giving it the HTTP protocol . So just as the hardware and software of the computer had been previously programmed by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn now cyberspace was programmed by a programmer in Sweden. In 2009 , the Accessing Accessibility Process was made Global by what I allege was fraud in the Patent Office and the Permission of a General in the Defense Department , the original internet or Arpanet Inventors. Someone committed Treason because Licensing was placed in British Guyana
THAT HER PROCESS THE ACCESSING ACCESSIBILITY PRODUCES . The Arpanet was restrictive and consisted of a series of smaller nets called the Internetting projects . Hartman alleges that she was deliberately left out because of her race , gender , and handicap - the trifecta of oppression . Now failing to provide Justice and damages to her that amount to billions of dollars because of all of the extraordinary damages done to her including trying to take her life , THEY TRY TO TREAT HER AS THOUGH SHE DOES NOT EXIST BY NOT MENTIONING HER NAME OR GRANTING A FAIR AND PUBLIC TRIAL ON THE MATTER .
Because AFFIRMATIVE ACTION was not a political ploy that was introduced until a few years later , the NSF may not have been happy with Dr. Hazel's actions . If they were unhappy , Dr. Hazel never mentioned it to me . Years later I became acquainted with the NSF through the Small Business Innovation Research Program [SBIR| Above is NSFNET-traffic visualization after it had commissioned Merit Networks and the ANS to trnaform the Internet in 1990-1991 using my ideas Accessing Accessibility to improve telecom increasing users by billions and enabling the ability to go global. I am not slave or a sub human being . I am a natural born citizen of this country with personal property rights .
About 1993-1995 as transformed Internet was introduced by the National Science Foundation , Al Gore introduces Future of
Telecommunications here on CPAN. He was mistaken as the inventor of the new internet or Internet 2 for years .
Inventor alleges that in 1990 when her ideas on Accessing Accessibility were stolen by the NSF , Dept of Commerce , and Darpa here introduced in 1995 that the Clinton-Gore administration begun its use to start Nafta Trade Agreement
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Method to Scrub Greenhouse gases or Inventor's Project regarding Climate Change and an update of her 1984 As early as the 1980's I applied to the National Science Foundation for a grant to research Acid Rain . I had no money and was still only earning a 4 figure salary but I love science and solving things . I wanted to do the work , however without a computer or word processor the appearance was poor . See PDF below.
I resubmitted my proposals starting around 2007 in a provisional patent application but as per usual my work was never good enough for the federal government to support me but only to illegally seize my intellectual property and call it theirs . Vice President Al Gore also took over the Climate Change project that was mine and again the federal government under Clinton- Gore called it theirs . Below you will find files that support the inventor's claims .
At this point Accessing Accessibility the platform on which the new Internet or Internet 2 is still a Patent Application although the Internet 2 copied from her work alleges Inventor was created in 1990-1993. released in 1995. Hartman alleges that she wrote to Obama several times but he ignored her complaints regarding the misappropriation of her intellectual property and her request for an investigation by his Attorney General Eric Holder .
A picture of the 1987 Arpanet is shown below . It was closed out in 1989 and the NSF built the new Internet beginning in 1990. Hartman alleges that her ideas regarding "commercializing telecom" or Accessing Accessibility was copied . That is the Federal govenment or Darpa's true Internet or Internet 1- the Arpanet. Although the Internet 2 was built during the 1990's during the Clinton-Gore administration , Obama-Biden declared the new Internet or Internet 2 copied from her intellectual property Hartman alleges without declaration of eminent domain , or credit or compensation to her for her property . Government tyranny and deliberate torts were practiced against her in the city and state where she lives Philadelphia, Pa. including the taking of her home(s) by slander , defamation, and fraud. While they stripped her of her home and financial assets by fraud , they published negative and fraudulent records with legal databases. They ruined her reputation and blackballed her from legal representation with lies and propaganda built on racial stereotypes
and more lies while computer makers and phone makers were given the right to use her intellectual property royalty free to build the stock markets that were intended with the illegal take over of the most successful Internet ever , Internet 2.
When Hartma filed in 2004 her patent application for Accessing Accessibility #11003123 to the Patent Office the Office was provided with 1990 SBIR proposals on Computer Discs 1 and 2. Hartman alleges that federal government had control of intellectual property from 1990 to present .
Even as I was filing my application fed gov making changes
I first filed an application for an opportunity to research Acid Rain in 1984. As I filed with the government , the Patent Office had already begun to commit fraud with my applications and to manipulate my documents. I submitted a better application beginning in 2007.
Around 1989-1990 some some 20 years later after graduating from the University of Penna,, I wrote the Accessibility Process as a means of devising a way to work from home after being handicapped by a debilitating illness. I shared the process with the federal government through its SBIR program and was then reintroduced to the National Science Foundation , Department of Commerce , and other government groups.
Could " classified documents" be related to what the inventor alleges are crooked trials being kept from the public ? She has never given her permission for global dossier or anything else as the federal government has controlled the Accessing Accessing Process that led to the building of Internet 2 . Government has been in control since 1990 so why is her name and invention being "fronted " for the Global Internet when according to the crooked courts Hartman is not even the inventor . These are illegal and gross violations of Ms. Hartman's rights . The United States has claimed the Internet 2 as its "OWN" since the 1990's while persecuting and impoverishing Hartman and allow Big Technology and E-Commerce and its own employees and other investors to get filthy rich from use of her property without credit or payment of a dime to her ! Racial Hatred and profiting by the wealthy class of elites in its most virulent form while defaming , defrauding , and poisoning me !
This began with the in 1990 Clinton- Gore administration and she alleges also damages with the Obama- Biden administration declaring it a Utility without Eminent Domain giving her property royalty free to tech , ecommerce , and internet companies to use royalty free so they can all make a killing on the stockmarket .I hope the classified documents especially those relating to the U.K. and other nations are not just a continuation of Obstruction of Justice . What about the global onset ? Is that Classified as well ?GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL ALL THE ONES INVOLVED IN SETTING IT UP AND I DO HOPE THEY GO TO HELL WHERE THEY BELONG FOR SACRIFICING MY LIFE AND MANY OTHERS FOR SELFISHNESS AND GREED .
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