Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
Accessing Accessibility Process used for Global Internet . No credit to Inventor
They plagiarize, control my computer(s) , hack and rewrite documents, commit perjury and forgery.
Why is there never any mention of this case on the news or Internet ? Simple answer because Wall Street and the Stockmarkets are making a fortune on Telecom and Ecommerce and all things digital . But main street and the ordinary consumer not faring too well. Read the Court Trials listed below on this Case . DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH !
Hartman vs. United States :
Ms. Hartman did not give her permission for the government to use her property without asking her permission especially after the Clinton nor Obama administrations declared Eminent Domain violating Ms. Hartman's 5th Amendment rights . Everyone makes a big issue of racial identity politics . This is all this is . “My case is thoroughly documented and should be tried by law . But thus far nothing but propaganda and racial politics and constant breaking of the law . Thus far the case and evidence is being sent down the Rabbit Hole and perhaps Classified Documents debacle that would be more civil and criminal misbehavior as neither Congress , Courts , nor Presidents have the authority to violate property rights of U.S. citizens and then hide their actions . This is an article I found on the Internet yesterday however with many of them using AI freely although it was supposed to be researched and studied first , you do not know what information can be trusted on the Internet . For my case Hartman vs. United States read the following cases . You can find them in . Contact Pacer if you need help to find them as they have been closed but should still be available . You do not have to be a lawyer to understand basically what is going on in the case if you simply read the documents filed to the docket . The Federal Claims Court has in both its cases Court Case No. 20-0832 and Case No. 21- 2214 has refused to consider that Ms. Hartman was under contract with the SBIR program through her participation in filing her ideas in exchange for funding for her small business but the contract was breached with the letters [affidavits] of her dismissal from the program without any funding . Further the Federal Claims Court refused to accept the Torts committed against her as Torts involved in the Breaching of the contract as the torts were and are carried out in Pennsylvania… Read the following cases in the Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit, Case 22-1955 another joke of a case where evidence was simply disposed of that finished the Government’s taking of Ms. Hartman’s intellectual property , Accessing Accessibility Process without Eminent Domain and without payment . Hartman alleges that certain judges assigned to these cases knew that they were violating United States ‘ Conflict of Interest Laws ‘ but it was done anyway because the inventor is a minority and now trying to HIDE EVERYTHING THROUGH ILLEGALITY AND SECRECY !!!
“I did not do a global reset , the U.S. government did using my intellectual property as its own and giving it away "royalty free" to Big Tech and Ecommerce who have made a mint of it while the government monsters tore my life apart with defamation , loss and theft of my homes and other financial assets . When the government by passed my constitutional rights they also bypassed the rights of other citizens. The other citizens are just waking up slowly to the reality of the entire ugly business. They should insist on lawful treatment of my case . It would help the entire nation. The illegal setup invites abuse and corruption. Was there secret doings by the NSF and Biden at Univ. of Penn?
It was the Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit that set up the wrong Court Opinion in IN RE DOROTHY M. HARTMAN in Case No. 2013-1070 . This inventor alleges that it was deliberately wrongly decided denying Hartman a patent while the government kept control of her intellectual property that it had held since 1990 and have refused to straighten out the wrong . She alleges participation of certain members of the United States Patent and Trademark Office with cooperation by the Dept. of Commerce its parent , National Science Foundation and other government organizations . Do not let a charge of 10 cents per page to review the documents you choose to read keep you from the truth and from a case that might help to unravel some of the corruption .
Began here is Common Pleas Court , Appealed to 3rd Circuit 2nd home taken through civil assest forfeiture before criminal court judge and I am not nor have ever been a criminal .
These circumstances set up by bad judges and what became a long list of government players meant to separate me from my property rights . Case No.1447 , Spring Term 1998, 30 years of FRAUD and theft of my property since . Then Case No. 120202759 in Ct. of Common Pleas an illegal takeaway of my home. A civil case that was turned into a criminal case at the last minute and my home taken away by a criminal court judge as was set up by crooked judges. I filed a case in Federal Court to stop the foreclosure Case No. 2:13-CV-01909-PD where she alleges the federal judge perjured the case in order to dismiss it from federal court and remand back to the court of Common Pleas where her property again would be taken through FRAUD as she never applied for the mortgage for the home through Bank of America or Mellon Bank but her mortgage papers were switched by those in city government associated with trial 1447 or Philadelhia City Government as the Condo Board of the Grennwich Walk Homeowners consisted of a Realtor , Secretary of the Civil Service Commission and Police Captain of the 3rd Police District . She alleges corporation between Philadelphia officials and Harrisburg Officials regarding the defamation and fraudulent thefts , both locations in addition to her filings in D.C. of her Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) proposals : The Feasability of Accessing Accessibility. PA. became the keystone state from which the democratic party first led by Clinton-Gore and later Obama-Biden robbed her of her intellectual property having carried out torts in Philadelphia and Harrisburg that aided and abetted the illegal take away of her property , the other abuses including attempted murder , now so called Classified Documents to try to cover it all up .
Chemtrails – I (pdf)
DownloadTime for a change in leadership and a return to sanity in the White House.While the country drowns in corruption and society falls apart at the seams while you are told how to think and what to think - I believe that most people want the country to return to rule of law , peace , order, and cooling inflation.
Darpa started the Internet later called the Arpanet or Internet 1 in California in 1969
Arpanet in 1970's
Government's Logic Board for the Arpanet in 1977
Governmen's Arpanet or referred to as "Internetting Projects" circa 1990
I started visiting the SBDC , small business development center in 1989 - submitted my proposals , commercializing telecom and ACCESSING ACCESSIBILITY in 1990 .
Once the government realized the power , money , and growth potential in Ms. Hartman's ideas- It took the intellectual property and ran with it . It threw Ms. Hartman[ The Black in the mix] aside and began to abuse . Except her contributions made all the difference . If the government had not made the transformation , "Mom and Pop" stores would be in existence ; we would still be shopping at the mall and perhaps better off. As the globalization that the government has brought about because of the coding of CYBERSPACE WHICH IS WHY THE GOVERNMENT HAS NOW SHIPPED AN INTERNET THAT HAS NEVER BEEN LAWFULLY THEIRS AS I HAVE NEVER BEEN COMPENSATED FOR MY WORK AND ACCORDING TO THEM THEY ALL INVENTED IT . SEE WIKIPEDIA DEFINITION OF THE INTERNET BELOW.
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