Accessing Accessibility Process is being stolen by the federal government APARTIED
Accessing Accessibility Process is being stolen by the federal government APARTIED
with vandalism and destruction. I tried to sell they even interfered with that. Even robbing my tenants when I was forced to move out and get an apartment for peace from the constant harassment and vandalism . Evidence suggests that the same perpetrators set it up .. tulsa oklahoma
making it difficult to impossible to live there. They continue their slander, libel, and disturbing the peace of my home to this day with 'trash' and 'noise pollution' campaigns with city trucks outside my apartment with drilling or so called building noises everyday Sunday- Monday using tax payer dollars to carry out their personal vendettas ... Tulsa Oklahoma
The inventor has had her home and life torn apart and continously oppressed by those who took her property homes - real estate property and intellectual property by force and fraud and have not had the decency to correct the injustice and their violations and crimes going undisturbed because thus far the case has not been heard in court as it involves high level corruption ... race riots massacres
From industrialized nations to developing nations , being online is increasingly a tool of information and communication .Above the Inventor's Home is trashed....
Above are a couple of holes that were placed in the walls . Not long after the vandalistic attack on her home in what amounted to $8,000 dollars worth of damage- inventor's home was fraudulently taken through mortgage fraud. The crooked judges , banks , municipal corruption involved in the set up.
Above Police Officers are taking a report of burglary of one of the tenants living in the home whose play station and other electronics and even his credit card was taken . Inventor alleges that thief was known by the 3ed District Police but was let go and that she was not allowed to file charges . Investigations nonexistent or slow to start.
Did they talk to me or my friends ? No just practiced racism
Also see Destroy Afro who Achieve., click here